Thank you for your interest in Women in Motorsport New Zealand (WIMNZ), an initiative run in association with MotorSport New Zealand to support and encourage female competitors, volunteers, officials, team personnel and media involved with the motorsport disciplines of race, rally and ClubSport (including drifting, hillclimbs, etc).

By subscribing to this list, you will receive information about WIMNZ, our activities and our people. We may also send you invitations to regional or national WIMNZ events that we think may be of interest to you.

We will keep your information confidential and never share it with a third party without your express permission.

Any queries can be emailed to
Thank you!
The Women in Motorsport NZ Advisory Commission
* indicates required
The WIMNZ list is primarily for New Zealanders, but everyone is welcome to join to be kept informed of our activities.
Which region of NZ do you live in?
MotorSport New Zealand's e-magazine is published bimonthly and contains stories and information about our competitors and volunteers
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